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Here some actvities you can do that have to do with books and reading

that I thought of by myself. I hope you enjoy them!


If you like drawing...

Design a bookmark to use in a book.

Draw a new book cover for you're favourite book.

Draw the characters or setting of a book, Or both!


If you like writing...

Write a new ending to you're favourite book.

Write a poem about a book. (For types of poems see writing tab up the top.)

Write a book or poem, on paper or in Microsoft Word on your computer.

Write a list of books you want to read.


If you like games...

Play Hangman using book titles.

Play Charades with book titles. Click here to find out how to play.

Play some of the games I have made on the games page. They are really fun!

Make an account to some book-related websites. (With Your Parents Permisson) There is another book you would like to make an account for, just Google it!


If you like group activities...

Start a book club at your school.

Act out a book with some friends.

Invite some friends over for a "Book swapping" session so you can read other books!

Write down the books you have read so you can tell your friends about the books.

Have a competition on how many books you can read in a week!


If you like making things...

Make a book corner in your room where you can read.

Make a mini library or reading room in your spare room with books and soft  seats.

Make a Light-Up Bookmark. Click here to find out how to make it.


Activites for you to try

Ready, set, read
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